Versiunea on-line a dictionarului Roman-Rus

•    Russian-Romanian, Romanian-Russian dictionaries;
•    200.000 most frequently used words and collocations in Romanian and Russian; 
•    Modern lexis;
•    Translations available from word processing  programs activated by a combination of “hot keys”;
•    Possibility to ignore diacritic symbols;
•    Choosing words according to collocations;
•     Efficient structure of specialized dictionaries: General, Economy, Law, Science. 

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DEX online

DEX online are the most prestigious dictionaries of Romanian presented on  the Internet. It has been created and completed by a team of volunteers. The definitions are identical to those in the cited sources excluding obvious misprints corrected by us. The access to the database of definitions is free and is regulated upon license GNU (GPL).  Additional information on the project is available on the website.

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